Wichita city population rose in 2019, but is still below its recent peak.
Each year the United States Census Bureau produces new population estimates through its Population and Housing Unit Estimates program.
For the City of Wichita on July 1, 2019, the estimated population was 389,938. This is an increase of 707 over the prior year, which is 0.18 percent. It is below Wichita’s peak population of 390,519 in 2016 by 581 people (0.15 percent).
When the Census Bureau produces estimates for a new year, it also revises the estimates for prior years. For the city of Wichita in recent years, the revisions have been very small, almost always less than one-tenth of one percent.
A nearby chart plots the population of the city, along with Overland Park, which is the second-largest city in Kansas. The chart also plots the percent change from the prior year. It is common for large changes to appear in decennial census years like 2010, as estimates are recalibrated to the census.
For the population of the Wichita metropolitan area, see Wichita metro population for 2019.
I’ve created an interactive visualization of this and other population data. Click here to learn more and access the visualization.