Global warming to be examined in Wichita


At this Friday’s meeting of the Wichita Pachyderm Club, Wichita geophysicist Dennis Hedke will present important information about the topics of global warming and climate change. His presentation includes information about the science behind these matters, and also about the politics. That’s important, as it appears now that the driving force behind the Obama administration’s energy and climate policy is politics as much as anything else.

All are welcome to attend Pachyderm meetings. Lunch is $10, or you may attend the meeting only for $3.

At Pachyderm meetings, there’s usually plenty of time for the speaker to take questions from the audience. The meeting starts at noon, although those wishing to order lunch are encouraged to arrive by 11:45. The location is Whiskey Creek Steakhouse at 233 N. Mosley in Old Town. You can view a map of this location by clicking on Google map of 233 N. Mosley.


4 responses to “Global warming to be examined in Wichita”

  1. Pat

    Bob, suggest you (and everyone else for that matter) read the in-depth article in this month’s Rolling Stones magazine about Goldman Sachs and the carbon credits cap and trade. The article can be Googled and is entitled The Great American Bubble Machine. It should be criminal what the government is about to perpetrate upon the American citizens under the banner of climate change.

  2. Here’s the clickable link to the article that Pat recommends:

    The Great American Bubble Machine

  3. Mike Shaw

    Congress has been working to the detriment of the country for years and they aren’t stupid. They knew what they were doing when they changed the banking regs to allow the loans that brought down the banks and know exactly what they are doing with this cap and trade/ climate change lie.
    Good for Dennis for expertly pointing this out.

  4. Pat

    Yeah. They are all euqally guilty. Republicans and Dems. Liberals and conservatives. Just greed.

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