Maryland Previews Kansas Climate Change Panel


In Kansas, the Kansas Energy and Environmental Policy Advisory Group, or KEEP, is meeting and planning the future of Kansas energy policy.

If we want to see what the conclusions of this effort will look like, we can look to the just-completed effort in Maryland. Yes, we’ll have to make a few adjustments, as Maryland has a seashore and Kansas doesn’t, but the basic thrust of the report is likely to be much the same.

That’s because in both states, the Center for Climate Strategies runs the show. Or, as one columnist wrote in Stupid environmentalist tricks in College Park:

The MCCC [Maryland Climate Change Commission] itself is a kangaroo court conceived and controlled by the Center for Climate Strategies, a subsidiary of an avowed alarmist advocacy group posing as a disinterested technical consultant. If you want a sneak peek at what is in store for Maryland, just look at CCS’ other state reports; the recommendations are all nearly identical.

It will be interesting to see just how little the report prepared for Kansas differs from the cookie-cutter reports prepared for other states whose governors have been foolish enough to let this radical environmentalist group operate in their states.