Kansas news digest


News from alternative media around Kansas for June 7, 2010.

Bond Savings to Be Spent, Not Used to Pay Down Debt

(Kansas Watchdog) “Wichita school district officials will spend surplus bond funds rather than cut taxes. Contractors are bidding below district projections for construction projects funded by the 2008 USD259 bond only 51 percent of voters approved. It authorized the district to spend ‘an amount not to exceed $370 million’ on a broad range or projects. So far, contracts for the first phase of bond construction are as much as 23 percent below projections. The district could save tens of millions of dollars if the Wichita Board of Education chose to return the savings to taxpayers.”

Fed finance bill hurts Kansas consumers and economy

(Kansas Liberty) “The federal finance bill that passed the Senate May 20 is in conference, where a select group of senators and representatives is working to reconcile two versions of the legislation. The Restoring American Financial Stability Act was crafted by Democrats to stabilize Wall Street and diminish the potential of a future fiscal crisis comparable to the 2008 catastrophe that resulted in billions worth of taxpayer dollars being used to bail out big business. While the bill was touted as being aimed at Wall Street, its influence will be felt here in Kansas within community banks, businesses and by consumers, according to local leaders in the business sector.”

Sebelius health-care propaganda reaching Kansas seniors

(Kansas Liberty) Last week Sen. Pat Roberts sent a letter to the Secretary of Health and Human Services Department Kathleen Sebelius questioning her about ‘misinformation’ provided to senior citizens via a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid mailer. … Tiahrt refers to mailer as an ‘incomplete piece of literature that is trying to sell a product.’”

Number of jobs in government balloons while private sector stagnant

(Kansas Liberty) “Kansas Republicans are not impressed with today’s United States Bureau of Labor Statistics report that said the national May unemployment rate is at 9.7 percent, which is a decrease from last month. Out of the total 431,000 nonfarm positions added in May, 411,000 of the positions are temporary government jobs created for Census 2010 workers.”

Keeping a close eye on the $131 million

(Kansas Health Institute News Service) “TOPEKA – Kansas is among the more than 30 states that built budgets assuming Congress this year would approve additional federal matching dollars for Medicaid and child welfare programs. And it is among a dozen or so states that have no contingency plan should that assumption prove wrong.”

Kansas, U.S. tax burdens vary widely, researchers find

(Kansas Reporter) “TOPEKA, Kan. – Kansas’ lowest income taxpayers pay slightly more than a national average share of federal income taxes collected in the state, and its wealthiest taxpayers pay slightly less, tax researchers calculate.”

Two states: Two different decisions about competing for federal dollars

(Kansas Reporter) “TOPEKA, Kan. – Despite the similarities Kansas shares with its neighbor Oklahoma, the two states made very different decisions about competing for federal dollars for education.”

State General Fund out of balance as fiscal year winds down

(Kansas Reporter) TOPEKA, Kan. – Entering the last month of the fiscal year, the State General Fund is about $89 million out of balance. Unless June brings in much more than anticipated revenue amounts, the state will have to resort to maneuvering cash and delaying payments, said J.G. Scott, the chief fiscal officer for the Legislative Research Department. ‘If June comes in higher than anticipated everything will be fine,’ Scott said. ‘If it comes in where we expect it, we’ll still have an issue.’”

O’Neal and Davis On The Last Day of Session

(State of the State KS) “Friday marked the last official day of the legislative session, called Sine Die, and legislators gathered at the capitol one last time before heading home until next January. Governor Parkinson and a coalition of Democrats and moderate Republicans worked together this session to pass a one cent sales tax increase that filled a budget shortfall, leaving programs for education, social services and public safety in place.”

Attorney General Steve Six Announces Run For Top Legal Office in Kansas

(State of the State KS) “Kansas Attorney General Steve Six (D) kicked off a five city tour Thursday to announce his run for for the top legal office in the state. He said that after years of personal and political scandal, he brought a new culture to the AG’s office.”

KAKE-TV and WIBW-TV Launch New Sunday Morning Political Show

(State of the State KS) “Starting, Sunday June 6 at 9:00 AM, KAKE TV in Wichita and will begin a new public affairs program called ‘This Week in Kansas’. Hosted by well-known local journalist Tim Brown, this half-hour program will review the major political events and issues in our state every week. Frequent guests throughout the year will include newsmakers, legislators, politicians and journalists.”