Kansas News Digest


News from alternative media around Kansas for November 2, 2009.

Kansas House leaders question secretary of commerce’s departure to Missouri

(Kansas Liberty) “The Republican leadership of the Kansas House is questioning the timing of former Kansas Secretary of Commerce David Kerr’s resignation to take a job as the director of the Department of Economic Development in Missouri. The Show-Me State is Kansas’ rival for a $414 million economic development project expected to create 4,500 jobs.”

State lawmakers push to preserve Kansans’ right to decide on health care

(Kansas Liberty) “Kansas House and Senate Republicans are joining together to promote an amendment that they say protects Kansans from any government-managed health-care reform that might come out of the U.S. Congress.” More coverage from Kansas Watchdog is at Legislators Propose Health Care Amendment to Kansas Constitution . A contrary view from Forward Kansas is at KS Republican Legislators Waste More Time Scaring the Public on HCR.

Despite AG’s findings, Howe pledges to keep doors closed to some public meetings

(Kansas Liberty) More problems with open records and open meetings in Kansas. “Attorney General Steve Six, responding to an inquiry from state lawmakers about the scope of the Kansas Open Meeting Act, determined that taxes and budget issues cannot be discussed during meetings that are closed to the public, except in cases in which it is “burdensome and impractical, if not impossible” to do so.” Kansas Watchdog coverage is at Letter to JoCo DA from Kansas Press .

Kansas store moves 100 feet to Missouri to avoid taxes, regulations

(Kansas Watchdog) “Normally the opening of a new QuikTrip store is not a news item. But, tomorrow the QuikTrip Convenience Store at 27 Southwest Blvd will reopen in Kansas City, Missouri after ‘moving’ about 100 feet from Kansas to avoid higher taxes and more burdensome regulations in Kansas.”

Small Businesses Struggle with Health Insurance

(State of the State Kansas) “The Wichita Independent Business Association helps small businesses obtain health insurance but it may not be enough.”

Is Populism the Way Out of Desert for Kansas Democrats?

(Kansas Free Press) “It is a sad state of affairs when only multi-millionaires can speak their minds AND succeed in politics. Now both parties feel the need to ‘suck up’ to The Man — corporate plutocracy. But before the Democratic party goes too far down that road, shouldn’t we try the ‘Great Commoner’s’ prescription first?”