Tea party sign ideas


I think one of these is my original idea. The rest are borrowed or stolen.

Liberty: All the stimulus we need
Stimulus: the audacity of dopes
Give me liberty, not debt
Don’t stimulate … liberate
Born free, but taxed to death
Cut taxes, not deals
Taxed Enough Already
Free Markets, Not Free Loaders
I am not your ATM
Washington: You have run out of our money
Read the bill
Legislate … Don’t Stimulate!
No more pork!
I’ll keep my freedom. You keep the change.
Give me liberty … or a big screen TV.
Say NO to generational theft!
Pork = U LESS
We’ve been PORKED!
Barney Frank: Don’t “pork” the U.S. Taxpayer!
You can’t spend your way out of debt!
Stop! Don’t bankrupt our kids!
Bailouts are bleeding us dry
Stop wasteful spending
Government can’t spend us into prosperity
Capitalism creates jobs, not socialism
Jobs, not stimulus socialism
Change we don’t believe in
Freedom works. Socialism has failed whenever it was tried.
Keep your socialism. Kansas wants capitalism.
Stop the war in prosperity
We earn the money. We know best how to spend it.
No rewards for irresponsibility.
In order to form a more perfect union …
One Big Awful Mistake America
Honk if I’m paying your mortgage