Tag: Kansas state government

  • Another inept Kansas smoking analogy

    In today’s Wichita Eagle, Wichita busybody Charlie Claycomb makes another inept analogy in an attempt to press his anti-smoking agenda statewide. A while back he tried to compare a smoking section in a restaurant with a urinating section in a swimming pool. This is ridiculous to the extreme, as I show in the post It’s…

  • Articles of Interest

    Budget woes linked to how justices are chosen (Kris W. Kobach in the Wichita Eagle). Explains how with a better method of selecting Kansas state Supreme Court justices, the Kansas budget might not be in such a mess. “The Montoy decision represented a court determined to advance judicial power and the liberal policy of limitless…

  • AFP Kansas Statehouse Rally

    Here’s a message from Derrick Sontag of Americans For Prosperity – Kansas, regarding a rally in Topeka next Monday. There’s a free bus from Wichita to this event. It leaves Lawrence Dumont Stadium parking lot at 6:00 am, and will return to Wichita around 7:00 pm. Contact John Todd, john@johntodd.net or (316) 312-7335 or Susan…

  • Political influence possible at Kansas SRS

    Late last year, as most other programs for people with disabilities were bracing for likely state budget cuts, the head of the state welfare department quietly approved $712,000 in ‘extraordinary’ funding for a Lenexa-based program that specializes in caring for people with severe disabilities.

  • American Majority Activist Training a Success

    On a Saturday morning, about 35 citizen activists and want-to-be activists met at the offices of Americans For Prosperity in Wichita for training provided by American Majority. The training covered traditional topics and factors in political activism such as coalitions, holding events, the structure of government in Kansas, and holding elected officials accountable. Then the…

  • Mark Parkinson, Potential Kansas Governor

    A few items, present and past, about Mark Parkinson, who may be the governor of Kansas before long:

  • Where’s the dirtiest coal plant in Kansas?

    Right north of Lawrence, home to many of our state’s global warming alarmists, stands a very dirty coal-fired power plant. James Meier explains and describes the irony in the video commentary Most Polluting Regions Among Greatest Objectors to Coal Plants.

  • Update on Kansas ethics case

    The Kansas Meadowlark has more coverage of a Kansas case with troubling implications: “The legal conflict in this case is between Kansas law and confidentiality of an ethics complaint, and the U.S. Constitution’s 1st amendment right to free speech. Oddly in this case, the one making the complaint, is the one being fined. This has…

  • Proposition K hearing spotlights differences

    At Wednesday’s hearing before the Kansas House of Representatives Taxation Committee, different ideas about property taxation became clear. The subject of the hearing was Proposition K, a proposal to reform property tax appraisals in Kansas. On this day, proponents of Proposition K testified.