Tag: Kansas state government

  • Public education illustrates special interest politics

    One of the problems with government today is the proliferation of special interest groups, and then how issues are framed according to the needs of these special interest groups. You might think that public education would fall outside the wrangling of special interest groups. After all, it’s “for the kids,” as we’re reminded. But the…

  • Global warming alarmism: coming to a faith-based organization near you

    Has global warming alarmism become a religious issue? Judging by a recent op-ed in the Wichita Eagle, it seems so. (Moti Rieber and Connie Pace-Adair: Make clean-energy generation a priority, February 22, 2009 Wichita Eagle. Link is to article at the Eagle, or see Eagle op-ed: Clean energy is a faith issue at Rieber’s blog.)…

  • Articles of Interest

    Socialism is Evil (Walter E. Williams) A reminder from Professor Williams of George Mason University as to why taxation is wrong, and it’s both political parties that are guilty. “The essence of socialism is the attenuation and ultimate abolition of private property rights. Attacks on private property include, but are not limited to, confiscating the…

  • In Wichita, let’s disclose everything. I mean everything.

    In an Wichita Eagle Editorial Blog post, Rhonda Holman calls for more disclosure for groups that send mailings that “dodge campaign finance disclosure law by deftly telling people how to vote without using the words ‘vote for’ or ‘vote against.'” (Treat campaign ads the same)

  • Kansas budget drama unnecessary

    Kansas news reports and blogs are still trying to decide who won last week’s showdown between Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius and Republican legislative leaders. GOP message lost in drama provides an example. But as reported on this blog (Sebelius’ Proposed Cuts Not Likely Enough, Kansas Governor Not Facing Reality of Budget Crisis) and in other…

  • Stimulus job creation in Kansas: wow

    Sometimes you have to wonder about the magic numbers that proponents of government spending (or economic development) come up with. The Kansas Meadowlark explores a little arithmetic in his post 10,000 New Highway Jobs in Kansas? Brian Wilson Crunches the Numbers.

  • Kansas Wind Power Economic Benefit in Perspective

    An editorial in the Wichita Eagle that promotes wind power as an economic benefit for for Kansas contains some reasoning that deserves examination before we commit to the author’s cause.

  • Kansas needs a budget stabilization fund

    Earlier this week we learned that the state has suspended its income tax refunds and may not be able to pay state employees due to our poor state finances. We believe this indicates a budget stabilization fund is necessary.

  • Kansas school spending outpaces inflation

    Kansas school spending per pupil far outpaces inflation. According to the government school lobby, however, it’s still not enough, as shown in Kansas Education Lobby Always Prowling for Tax Dollars.