Tag: Kansas state government

  • Why the Kansas budget is in trouble

    Why is the Kansas budget in such bad shape? Not enough taxation? Too much spending?

  • Kansas Budget Lacks Solutions for Reform, says AFP’s Sontag

    TOPEKA — The free-market grassroots group Americans for Prosperity — Kansas released the following statement in response to the Governor’s FY 2009 and FY 2010 budget proposal: “The budget proposal released today offers no real solutions for budget reform, leaving it up to the Legislature to demonstrate some leadership at this important time,” said AFP…

  • Not All Agree With New Kansas Energy Plan

    Currie Meyers of the Kansas Federalist has a few issues with Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius‘ energy plan. I can’t link directly to Meyers’ article, so I’ll reproduce it in its entirety here. Sebelius New Energy Plan Lacks Energy Governor Kathleen Sebelius unveiled weak and pathetic energy proposals that she hopes will help Kansas capitalize on…

  • Kathleen Sebelius State of the State 2009: Collectivism Lite

    In Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius‘ 2007 State of the State address collectivism was the theme: “Only a failure to act as ‘One Kansas’ can compromise our future and dash our hopes.” As shown in my post The Collectivism of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, this drive towards collectivism is a threat to liberty and the individual.…

  • Sebelius’ Proposed Cuts Not Likely Enough

    Martin Hawver explains that as bad as the Kansas budget situation is, Governor Kathleen Sebelius — at least for now — isn’t required to recognize the full depth of the crisis. The Consensus Revenue Estimating Group, comprised of fiscal wizards who, well, estimate future revenues into the State General Fund, predicts that revenues will fall…

  • Kansas Votes: A Valuable Resource

    Recently the Flint Hills Center for Public Policy began sponsorship of a valuable resource for all Kansas. This site, Kansas Votes, provides information about pending legislation as it works its way through the law-making process. This process, unbelievably complicated to the average citizen, is explained in plain language. Even I can figure out what’s going…

  • Kansas Speaker Mike O’Neal at AFP Summit

    Representative Mike O’Neal, Republican from Hutchinson, is the new Speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives. He spoke on January 10 at Americans For Prosperity‘s Defending the American Dream Summit in Wichita. His speech warned of tough times ahead, with a difficult job for both the legislature and citizens. Part of the problem is that…

  • Open Records Resource Site for Kansas

    The Kansas Meadowlark has an informational page featuring descriptions of websites about open records and information about government. The link is kansasmeadowlark.com/open-records.

  • Wichita-area Legislators Hear Pleas From Government

    Yesterday I attended a meeting of the South Central Kansas Legislative Delegation, held at Wichita State University. This meeting is billed as an opportunity for local governments to make their case to local legislators. Scheduled to start at 1:00 pm, it actually started at 1:20. Senator Carolyn McGinn chaired. This meeting was better attended by…