It’s vitally important that Wichita develop a plan for an abundant water supply. At the same time, we ought to be asking, as does Johnny Stevens, how this problem developed. Wichita Business Journal:
Wichita officials — thanks to a couple of weeks of rain — said they were able this week to dodge possible water restrictions and punitive measures as a means of coping with the ongoing drought.
But Wichita developer Johnny Stevens voiced to me today something I have heard from others in the community recently.
“How did it even get to this point?” Stevens said. “It shouldn’t have gotten this far.”
Continue reading at Developer Johnny Stevens on water issue: How did it get to this?
Other material on Wichita’s water situation is at Wichitans taxed into a lower standard of living, Wichita begins rebates and regulation, and Wichita water, a few thoughts.
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