The City of Wichita has recently prepared a group of white papers examining issues facing Wichita, such as water supply, infrastructure, and “quality of life” improvements such as a new library, and convention center. These white papers may be found under the “Workshops” tab on this page at
There’s something missing from these papers. When Mayor Carl Brewer returned from a recent trip to China, he told us that Chinese investors could be a source of funds for Wichita’s needs. The city council now seems posed to recommend that Wichita voters approve a sales tax increase to pay for these items. The possibility of foreign investors cannot be found in these white papers, as far as I can see.
Here’s what the Wichita Eagle reported in December:
Chinese investors stand ready to plow money into Wichita, Mayor Carl Brewer told The Eagle on Wednesday: investing in commercial real estate, aviation businesses and – much to the mayor’s surprise — city projects like the Century II renovation or rebuild, water and sewer improvements, libraries and a new water source.
Sometime in 2014, two groups of potential Chinese investors — aviation investors and private partners with the city — will be in Wichita to examine opportunities. Then, a reciprocal trip of Wichita business people will be organized, said Brewer and Karyn Page, president of Kansas Global Trade Services. (Mayor: Chinese investors interested in Wichita December 18, 2013 Wichita Eagle)
Now, just six months after the mayor’s trip to China, the possibility of Chinese investors in Wichita’s projects like a new water source, water and sewer improvements, libraries, and convention center seems to be forgotten.
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