USD 259, the Wichita public school district, has recently decided on some architects to award contracts to for work funded by the 2008 bond issue.
Citizens might have wondered why so many architectural and construction firms had such a high degree of interest in public schools. But these firms know that if you want to get contracts, it’s not required, but it sure helps to make some campaign contributions.
The following chart shows that while the correlation isn’t perfect, it helps to make a large contribution if you want to get a large contract. The outlier data point is Schaefer Johnson Cox Frey Architecture. This firm made the largest campaign contribution. It also snagged the project management contract for the bond issue. This contract was awarded without any competitive bidding. This contact pays the firm 1% of the total value of all bond projects, and no doubt helps the firm obtain the most lucrative architecture contracts, too.
And to think I was about to believe that it was all about the kids.