Wichita (and Kansas) Democrats illustrate progress in education


This use of the greengrocers’ apostrophe in the headline of an article on the Kansas Democratic Party’s website on July 25, 2006 tells us something, but I don’t quite know what.

As of August 1, 2006, this mistake is uncorrected. It appears below this headline:

“Sebelius: Kansas children win in school finance decision
Ruling shows commitment to schools is improving education in Kansas”

It appears above this headline:

“Governor Kathleen Sebelius to Chair Education Commission of the States”

The promoting of our governor’s commitment to education sandwiches a glaring headline mistake that, in days past, would be recognized immediately. Now, apparently these mistakes are tolerated, or worse, not even noticed as mistakes.

I hope that no Kansas schoolchildren read the Kansas Democratic Party website, so they don’t think it’s acceptable behavior to punctuate poorly in public.