New Data Show Migrants Were More Likely to Be Released by Trump Than Biden


This article from Cato Institute’s blog, written by David J. Bier on November 2, 2023, presents surprising data on migrant arrests and releases under the Trump and Biden administrations. It reveals that, contrary to common perception, the Trump administration released a higher percentage of migrants arrested at the border than the Biden administration. During Trump’s last two years, only 47% of the 1.4 million arrested migrants were removed, while under Biden, 51% of over 5 million arrested migrants were removed. The Biden administration, while dealing with higher overall numbers, has not significantly altered immigration enforcement policies. The article also highlights challenges in managing illegal immigration and suggests that creating more legal pathways for immigration could be a solution.

Bier, David J. “New Data Show Migrants Were More Likely to Be Released by Trump Than Biden.” Cato at Liberty Blog, Cato Institute, 2 Nov. 2023,


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