You’re invited to the May 12, 2009 supper meeting sponsored by the Libertarians of South Central Kansas.
Mike’s Steakhouse (click for map)
2131 S. Broadway
Wichita, Kansas
Tuesday May 12, 2009
5:30 p.m. supper (Individual tickets with orders off the regular menu.)
6:00 p.m. meeting
Guest Speaker
Geophysicist Dennis Hedke of Hedke-Saenger Geoscience, Ltd.
Energy, Environment, and Economics: 21st Century Realities
Dennis Hedke is a professional geophysicist who will offer some insight into the Earth’s climate change and its relation to the political climate. This will be a Powerpoint presentation and should be very informative. Dennis is wading into the fray on the issue of climate change in an attempt to inform the public as to the facts regarding this issue. These facts are in short supply in the mainstream media. This will be the first time that this presentation has been made to the public. Dennis hopes to meet with many groups in the future to share this important information.
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