Tag: Downtown Wichita revitalization
Should Wichitans care when ballpark development starts?
This article discusses the financial implications of the delayed development around Riverfront Stadium in Wichita.
Downtown Wichita Business Activity
Business activity in downtown Wichita continues to rise.
Downtown Wichita Tax Base
There’s been much investment in downtown Wichita. But it isn’t evident in the assessed value of property, although the recent trend is positive.
Naftzger Park event management agreement still ambiguous
This week the Wichita City Council will update an agreement from last year, but it appears important issues were not addressed.
Downtown Wichita jobs rise
The reported number of jobs in Downtown Wichita rose in 2018, but there is an issue with the data.
Downtown Wichita population is up
New Census Bureau data shows the population growing in downtown Wichita.
Downtown Wichita attraction attendance
Attendance at downtown Wichita attractions presented in an interactive visualization.
Intrust Bank Arena loss for 2019 nears $5 million
A truthful accounting of the finances of Intrust Bank Arena in downtown Wichita shows a large loss.
Rethinking the city and the community for a post-pandemic world
How has the pandemic affected cities in general and Wichita specifically, and what are implications for the future?