Tag: James Clendenin

  • Wichita city council advances economic development

    Yesterday’s action taken by the Wichita City Council regarding economic development incentives granted to Cessna Aircraft Company through the Industrial Revenue Bond program may be confusing to some people.

  • Wichita contracts, their meaning (or not)

    Is the City of Wichita concerned that its contracts contain language that seems to be violated even before the contract is signed?

  • Wichita does it again

    Action by the Wichita City Council today provides opportunity for two city council members and the city manager to exercise leadership, protecting citizens instead of cronies.

  • WichitaLiberty.TV July 14, 2013

    In this episode of WichitaLiberty.TV, host Bob Weeks explains the attitude of the Wichita City Council regarding ethical behavior and reports on incidents that illustrate the need for campaign finance reform and pay-to-play laws in Wichita and Kansas. Also, Bob notices a document produced this year titled “Wichita Area Future Water Supply: A Model Program…

  • Starwood calls on Wichita

    The usual problems with cronyism and corporate welfare come with economic development incentives offered to Starwood, but there are specific problems, too.

  • Ambassador Hotel Industrial Revenue Bonds

    The City of Wichita should not approve a measure that is not needed, that does not conform to the city’s policy (based on relevant information not disclosed to citizens), and which is steeped in cronyism.

  • Wichitans have choices; perhaps not information

    The Wichita Eagle publishes a voter guidebefore each election. While this is a useful civic service, readers of the newspaper might wonder what is the point of allowing candidates to make statements and claims without being held accountable.

  • Wichita economic development and the election

    As Wichitans decide their preference for city council members, voters should take a look at the numbers and decide whether they’re satisfied with our city’s performance in economic development.

  • Is graft a problem in Wichita?

    Is graft a problem in Wichita?

    Is it possible that “Graft takes the collective wealth of working taxpayers and transfers that wealth to the benefit of corrupt government officials and their private sector accomplices” in Wichita?