Public forum on WaterWalk hotel proposal


On Monday January 25, a group of citizens will hold a public forum concerning the proposal for a hotel in the WaterWalk development in downtown Wichita.

The event is from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the meeting room of the Wichita Downtown Public Library. The meeting room is on the top floor of the library.

Tirza Heflin is the organizer of this forum. She says:

“You and the public are invited to join a group of interested citizens to discuss the proposed Water Walk hotel.

An invitation to join this public forum discussion has been sent to Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer and all of the Wichita City Council members.

The forum is being organized by a group of citizens who are interested in downtown redevelopment, and want to see our downtown thrive. Several citizens have questions about the public sector interests in the WaterWalk public/private partnership before our City Council considers the letter of intent for this project on February 2, 2010.”

Contact Tirza Heflin at 316-201-8353 or

The Facebook page for this event is Public forum on WaterWalk hotel proposal.


3 responses to “Public forum on WaterWalk hotel proposal”

  1. LonnythePlumber

    Interested in downtown development or stopping downtown development? Elected officials should be hesitant to participate in a forum not supervised by a party like the League of Women Voters. If the intent is to limit public understanding of a proposal then participation would be a disservice to citizens.

  2. Cybex

    “Limiting public understanding of a proposal?” Come on Lonnie, that is what Mayor Brewer and the Council do every Tuesday and just because you “drank the Kool Aide doesn’t mean that everyone should. Why curtail dissent in our DEMOCRACY? And why ass—-ume that if the LWV is not hosting the meeting is not credible? Do you also decide which are the credible organizations in town?

  3. […] This Monday evening a group of citizens are holding a public forum on this issue. More information is available at Public forum on WaterWalk hotel proposal. […]

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