Category: Kansas blogs
My Apologies to Feed Readers
As you may know, this week I switched the Voice For Liberty in Wichita from using Drupal to WordPress for its underlying software platform. Everything went pretty smoothly — or at least I thought so. But just now I realized that Drupal and WordPress use different names for their rss and atom news feeds. This…
Kansas Blog Roundup for June 27, 2008
A pretty busy week for Kansas blogs, even though summer has set in. At, read Ken Daniel’s notes on his presentation to the Kansas Health Policy Authority in Kansas Health Policy Authority.
RightOnline Summit
“While the left convenes for their annual meeting of the tin foil hat wearers, I invite all of you to take part in a conservative gathering that will be going on just across town.” Thanks, Eric Odom, for the invitation to RightOnline Summit.
It’s now WordPress
Here at the Voice For Liberty in Wichita I’ve made the switch from Drupal to WordPress as my blogging platform. There’s really nothing wrong with Drupal; it’s just that WordPress is very good, and after four years with Drupal, maybe it was time for a switch.
Kansas Blog Roundup for June 20, 2008
When reporting on Kansas bloggers, a trip to The Kansas Meadowlark is just about the best place to start. This week the Meadowlark reports on SamSphere Kansas, an event hosted by the Sam Adams Alliance. I myself had the pleasure of attending this event and even spoke for a moment to the group. Thank you…
Kansas Blog Roundup for June 13, 2008
At The Kansas Meadowlark, read about a Kansas state representative’s use of franked mail: State Rep Rardin’s FOURTH franked piece to kick-start his re-election campaign. This post inspired a few rather heated comments.
Kansas Blog Roundup for June 6, 2008
At Voice For Liberty in Wichita, guest author James Barfield contributes Wichita City Manager Search: Look Before You Leap, urging Wichita to be wary of the presumptive new city manager, Pat Salerno. Mr. Barfield has done some investigation on his own, and uncovers some troubling facts. An abridged version of this post was printed in…
Kansas Blog Roundup for May 30, 2008
Abortion politics were at the forefront in Kansas this week. Robert Novak’s column about Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius (A Pro-Choicer’s Dream Veep as printed in the Washington Post) revealed some previously-unknown information about the relationship between her and the notorious late-term abortion provider Dr. George Tiller of Wichita. The KRA comments and links to Novak’s…
A Kansas Blogroll
I use Google Reader to read Kansas blogs. The following list represents all the Kansas blogs I know of that publish an RSS feed (not all do) and that appear not to have been abandoned. If you know of blogs that should appear on this list, please send notice of it to me at