Do Americans Support Obama’s Stimulus Plan?


Despite mainstream media claims, not everyone agrees with President Obama’s plan. In fact, a Rasmussen poll shows that more Americans than not are skeptical about the stimulus. They’d rather see other things such as less government spending and lower taxes.

National Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted February 6-7, 2009
By Rasmussen Reports

1. Generally speaking, do increases in government spending help the economy, hurt the economy, or have no impact on the economy?

35% Help
48% Hurt
7% No impact
10% Not sure

2. Generally speaking, do decreases in government spending help the economy, hurt the economy, or have no impact on the economy?

45% Help
29% Hurt
16% No impact
10% Not sure

3. As Congress debates the economic stimulus plan initially proposed by President Obama, would you like to see the plan include more tax cuts and less government spending, more government spending and less tax cuts, or would you rather see the plan pass pretty much as it is today?

62% More tax cuts and less government spending
14% More government spending and less tax cuts
20% Pass pretty much as it is today
5% Not sure

Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence


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